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故宫,又名紫禁城,位于我国北京市中心,占地面积达 72 万平方米。它始建于明朝永乐四年(1406 年),后由清朝继续扩建,成为明清两朝二十四位皇帝的皇家宫殿。故宫是世界上保存最完整、规模最大的木质结构古建筑群,被誉为“东方的大皇宫”。


首先,我们来到太和殿,它是故宫的最高建筑,象征着皇权的至高无上。太和殿始建于明永乐十八年(1420 年),曾历经多次火灾,现存建筑为康熙三十四年(1695 年)重建。殿内设有金漆雕龙宝座,宝座背后设有五扇屏风,分别绘有十骏图,展示了皇帝的威严与权威。

接着,我们来到乾清宫,这里是皇帝的居所。乾清宫始建于明朝永乐十八年(1420 年),历经多次修建,现存建筑为康熙二十二年(1683 年)重建。宫殿两侧设有东、西暖阁,分别为皇帝和皇后的卧室。此外,乾清宫的正殿设有“正大光明”匾,为康熙皇帝亲笔题写。

然后,我们来到坤宁宫,这里是皇后的居所。坤宁宫始建于明朝永乐十八年(1420 年),现存建筑为康熙二十二年(1683 年)重建。宫殿内部设有萨满教祭坛,供皇帝和皇后祭神之用。




Distinguished tourists, welcome to the world-famous cultural heritage site - the Forbidden City. I am your guide. Follow me as we explore the mysterious charm of this royal palace.

The Forbidden City, also known as the Purple Forbidden City, is located in the heart of Beijing, covering an area of over 7.2 million square meters. It was initially built in 1406 during the Ming Dynasty and later expanded by the Qing Dynasty, serving as the imperial palace for 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. As the best-preserved and largest ancient wooden structure complex in the world, the Forbidden City is known as the "Oriental Palace."

We are now standing in front of the main entrance of the Forbidden City, known as the Meridian Gate. The Meridian Gate is an essential part of the palace complex, shaped like a phoenix, along with the Wings Building and the Hall of Supreme Harmony, forming the "three halls" layout. We will visit the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Brightness, and other main buildings one by one.

First, let's arrive at the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the highest building in the Forbidden City, symbolizing the supreme power of the emperor. The Hall of Supreme Harmony was initially built in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty and has been rebuilt several times due to fires. The existing building was reconstructed in 1695 during the Qianjia period. The interior houses a gold-painted carved dragon throne, behind which are five screens, each painted with ten horse paintings, showcasing the emperor's majesty and authority.

Next, let's visit the Hall of Brightness, the residence of the emperor. The Hall of Brightness was initially built in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty and has been rebuilt several times. The existing building was reconstructed in 1683 during the Qianjia period. There are East and West Warm Pavilions on both sides, serving as the bedrooms for the emperor and the queen. Above the main hall of the Hall of Brightness hangs a plaque inscribed with "Zhengda Mingguang" (Radiant Perfection), written by Emperor Kangxi.

After that, let's proceed to the Hall of Judicial Proceedings, the residence of the queen. The Hall of Judicial Proceedings was initially built

