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Unit 3: A healthy life


In this unit, we will learn about various aspects of leading a healthy life. We will explore topics such as healthy lifestyle choices, exercise, diet, and mental well-being. By the end of this unit, we will have a better understanding of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve our overall well-being.

Key Vocabulary:

1. Nutrition: the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

2. Balanced diet: a diet that provides all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in the right proportions.

3. Sedentary lifestyle: a lifestyle with little physical activity or exercise.

4. Mental health: a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

5. Aerobic exercise: exercise that stimulates and strengthens the heart and lungs, such as running or swimming.

Main Topics:

1. Importance of a healthy lifestyle: Learn the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle and the impact it has on overall well-being.

2. Balanced diet and nutrition: Understand the importance of a balanced diet and learn about different food groups.

3. Exercise and physical fitness: Explore the different types of exercise and their benefits on physical and mental health.

4. Mental well-being: Discover various strategies to improve mental well-being, such as stress management and relaxation techniques.

5. Common health issues: Learn about common health issues, such as obesity and stress, and ways to prevent or manage them.


Leading a healthy lifestyle is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. By making wise choices regarding diet, exercise, and mental well-being, we can improve our overall quality of life. Remember, a healthy life is a happy life!


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